Tuesday, January 17, 2012

I praise You, my savior and friend....

320. hearing other people's stories, seeing what God is doing in others
321. worshipping through tears
322. being overwhelmed with knowing how good God is
323. being reminded that God is in control of our path and He will give us wisdom to do what we need to do according to His timing and His ways

Church was refreshing to me on Sunday and God spoke to me there about our paths and how He is in control. He reminded me again about how blessed I am and what amazing things He can do, when we let Him do it and get out of the way!

A woman shared her story with me about how she was trying to Foster/adopt and how her MC leader was not getting her letter of recommendation done and she was so eager to get all of it in so they could get a kid. When she finally let go and let God give her a child in His timing, it happened at the perfect time, bringing exactly the child she was meant to have. A 5 week old baby boy came into the hospital and should have died, he was being resuscitated, he had several broken ribs, his intentestines were torn in half due to abuse---how can anyone abuse a tiny little baby--how can a parent who carries their child for 9 months, labors him and births him, harm their precious gift? those are the parts we don't understand, but God was working good for this little boy-His little boy and for the family who fostered him. The day the paperwork was final for this woman and her husband she met this little baby and was able to foster him, had to drop him off with his abusers for 9 months before finally having that stopped and when he was 17 months adopted him as theirs. He is 100% healthy now and she told me that she gets it even more with her realationship with God. We are adopted by God and He loves us as His own, just like she loves her little boy as her own--he is her son and we are God's children and He would do anything for us.

God is soo good and He knows what He is doing, get out of your own way and His way and let Him do it. It doesn't matter what you can do, step out in faith and trust Him, He will provide whatever you need.

I thank God that His mercies are new each day because I seem to screw up and drop the ball each day, but I am allowed to try again the next day, and maybe some days I will start to do it right, not because I can, but because if I get out of my way God will!

Most parents think their kids can do no wrong and I regret to admit I am not one of them (in some ways this is good, in others it is not) Example, at church a woman came up to me and said is Tanner your son? I immediately thought "oh crap what did he do" as I said yes and she told me that her daughter just thinks Tanner is wonderful and is always talking about him and excited to see him at church. I was literally beaming. He is such a good kid with a great big compassionate heart, yes he does wrong, but he is good and he is capable of so much more than I even give him credit for! Its me that needs to change, then he will. God help me to change, change my heart and my thoughts and my words (my words!).....whether its good or bad your kids look up to you and want to be like you, what example are you setting? I have learned that I set an example of frustration and guess what? now he gets frustrated and makes the same irritated sound I do. But, today is a new day and God's mercies are new today and I am going to try and get out of God's way and let Him help me!

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