My hubs and i watched the new movie Courageous by the Kendrick brothers and oh man was it good! It is by far their best movie yet! I cried a lot! The way it starts out even captures my heart! The movie is based on fathers leading their children and household, but its not only fathers who have the important task of raising their children. I am constantly being reminded by God that our children are gifts! they are precious and the only way I can love them and train them is by trusting God and asking Him for guidance! It is hard enough to take care of my self, my own righteousness and then to try and teach our kids, yikes.....
Thankfully God gives us tools, The Bible for starters, on how to raise up our kids right, teach them His ways and they will not depart. Friends and family can also be great tools, learning from others mistakes and successes. A loving husband to step in and help when he is home. Ultimately what matters most? That our kids know and love Jesus! How do they know Him? Love them like Christ loves them, show them that you love others like Christ loves them, spend time with them doing what they enjoy (yes even if it means sitting on the floor and playing with cars (i'm not a fan of this activity). Trust God to mature them and He will do it!
I am not a person who most people would deem capable of home schooling, I am not patient, I am too quick to anger, my kids can be difficult--regardless of correction, reproof, and instruction. Here is the thing though: God calls us to teach our children, to raise them up in Him, we are responsible for them-all of them, its on us. I never thought I would be taking on this immense task or that I was in any way capable of doing it, in fact I know that I am not capable of doing it, but I am stepping out in faith, trusting God and doing it anyway. I am faithful that God will guide me and teach me to teach them and love them. I am scarde of doing it wrong, I am nervous to teach other peoples kids at co op, I am concerned that I will screw up, but ultimately I trust Him to give me grace and mercy and step in when I am doing it all wrong and show me right. To help me be courageous!
332. Christian movies
333. Christian music
334. Christian books
335. all the tools to help me along the way, by God grace and design.